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Thursday, September 30, 2010

album reviews : Prince - 20ten

 release date: 10 Jul 2010 // label: NPG Records 
reviewer: Amanda Hall-Davis
Prince - 20ten -
Raw, legendary musical royalty to behold - finally - as Prince blasts away the cobwebs of today’s music scene with his new creation; 20ten. 

Ingenuity flows as natural as blood through veins when Prince takes the reins of music artistry to the ultimate level with this scorching production.

Take the musical guitar intellect of Hendrix, shake it up with P-Funk experimental mastery of George Clinton, pour in timeless riffs, airtight arrangements, soul depth of James Brown and rewind to Prince’s earlier 80s/90s landmark era for his latest artistic vision.

‘Compassion’ begins the musically eroticism and spiritual journey that encompasses Prince’s effortless return. ‘Feels like time has stopped’ - the lyrics echo as the Prince rewind begins, enforced with chopped percussion breaks and soulful, trademark vocal power. 

Prince stamps his highly charged sexual branding firmly down in ‘Beginning Endlessly’ as he proclaims –‘Let’s get down –fill me now – open up our dirty hearts’ interspersed with teasing guitar riffs. 

So the game begins as slowly, slowly Prince brings it down in the harmonious tracks; ‘Future Soul Song’ and ‘Walk in Sand’ to the bygone ‘LoveSexy’ sensual ballads, filled with seductive melodies, gentle rhythms and vocal depth that evokes the desired emotional response. Beautifully crafted pieces offered on the unique wall of sound that is Prince, in 2010. 

‘Dirty new sounds’ as only the true musical alchemist knows…Wait for his last word.

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